For some of you, this name is synonymous with the little yellow pokemon cartoon character from the late 90's?? Maybe 2000's but I have no idea because I didn't watch it. However Pikachu for me, is actually the name a woman in my WW meeting continues to write on her name tag. Yes, I said woman.... probably in her 40's or 50's. Anyhow, I wouldn't have anything to say about Pikachu if she wouldn't stop interrupting the meeting to mention that she is a giant alcoholic. Now... some of you may be going "aww.... that's sad." Stop it. Pikachu wants you to know that no one poured liquor down her throat and it was a choice and so is eating bad food. (Tell that to the women who sleep eat in the middle of the night only to wake up find that downed a who cake out of their fridge and didn't even get to enjoy it!) I digress....
So at first I found Pikachu endearing, she mention her drinking problem once or twice but said she was in AA and it was under control. Good for you! Drinking.. check..... weight control... check.... you are on a roll sister! However, it wasn't until this last outburst that it has occurred to me that she may or may not be drunk during our meetings. Please for a moment try to imagine the wicked witch of the west. No, I am not insulting her looks, I want you to think of her voice, slightly crackly and the tone and volume sort of go up and down at weird times. Anyhow, this is Pikachu's voice, only much sllllooooowwweeerrrrr. She is always rather disheveled looking, and sometimes wanders around the meeting before it starts talking to herself.
So at first I found Pikachu endearing, she mention her drinking problem once or twice but said she was in AA and it was under control. Good for you! Drinking.. check..... weight control... check.... you are on a roll sister! However, it wasn't until this last outburst that it has occurred to me that she may or may not be drunk during our meetings. Please for a moment try to imagine the wicked witch of the west. No, I am not insulting her looks, I want you to think of her voice, slightly crackly and the tone and volume sort of go up and down at weird times. Anyhow, this is Pikachu's voice, only much sllllooooowwweeerrrrr. She is always rather disheveled looking, and sometimes wanders around the meeting before it starts talking to herself.
Has she fallen off the wagon??? I mean I know weight gain is tricky and frankly sometimes food is addictive, but have we really gotten to the point where we are likening our food cravings to binge drinking??? I wasn't ready to go there, but I like your style Pikachu. If you could get your random outbursts in check we might be on the same page. And well lets be honest, if I didn't have you to come in a return food you have purchased simply because you didn't like the taste, or try to offer me some after you have already opened it, hell I'm not sure who I would look forward to seeing every meeting.
So thank you Pikachu, on or off the wagon, you are just the right amount of bat shit crazy I need on a Saturday morning.
So thank you Pikachu, on or off the wagon, you are just the right amount of bat shit crazy I need on a Saturday morning.
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