So in an effort to keep us motivated I decided that for a rainy day at Audrey's house I would pick up some workout dvd's since walking wasn't really an option. I had every intention of getting serious workout dvd's until I stumbled across this gem... Richard Simmon's Boogie Down the Pounds. The disco workout dvd. Jamming to 70's top musical hits. What. A. Find.

So I kept it a secret from Audrey since I wanted her to still be friends with me. Well I shouldn't have been so surprised to see how excited she was to participate... I mean, its Audrey. Duh.
So we start the dvd and at first we are slightly confused, Richard stumbles across his friends on the street who just happened to be standing outside of this building, that they all happen to walk inside of that is pitch black, then the lights start to fade on and you see disco balls and then poof!!!! We are working out.
Thats right... his friends didn't change clothes. Poof! working out. I'm talking full make up, some earrings, jeans or dress pants working out. How does one work out in such attire? We quickly realized that we were either really really in our element, or so far out of it we can't even see the element. On one hand this gave us both motivation that this workout will be easy. On the other hand, we just jazzed hands towards the tv and Richard told us how proud and happy he was we were there, so it could be a little bit of both.
There isn't enough blog available to describe this workout. Thats all I can really say. I have a feeling Audrey would like to say a few words since she had such a fun time 'diva-ing' this dvd out. Audrey?
O.M.G. Richard Simmons nearly killed me. When Sara revealed what her mysterious purchase was I was immediately excited. I thought "how can this NOT be fun?!"
How wrong I was! I had no idea doing Richard's "showgirl" move or his disco dance would so throughly kick my ass. By the middle of the DVD (that's right it was DVD not a VHS!) all I could think was "Fuck you and your little shorts Richard Simmons." (vulgar language is completely appropriate for this occasion).
If I been doing this by myself I would have quit during the boogie down the pounds version of Barry Manilow's Mandy but Sara made me finish it. Needless to say there was quite a bit of flailing happening on my part so I may have done more damage and good through my Richard Simmons work out as my back really hurt like a mother...
Despite all this, there is a good chance Boogie Down the Pounds will happen again. Let's face it I'm a glutton for punishment... (and also our next post will be about our venture to a "Latin Heat" class that made Richard's work out look PRE-TTY good in comparison....)
I may or may not (DID) have read all of Richard Simmons's memoir. I kinda loved every minute of it. Also, my mom had a "Sweatin to the Oldies" vhs that I tried one day. Way harder than it looks!